Our specialities include: Historical Research, Boundary Disputes, Municipal Application and Representation at various zoning meetings, Expert Witness Courtroom Testimony, and F.E.M.A Flood Analysis.
The firm is capable of providing many types of needs for surveying, which may include utilizing a surveyor prior to the purchase of a home to make sure of any encumbrances, rights that may exist, or encroachments, etc.
When neighbors fall into a dispute with different opinions as to where the true property/deed line lies, the only way to be certain as to where the true line exists is to retain the services of a competent, professional land surveyor.
Under the current Standards for Surveys, a surveyor must research the subject property's title back a minimum of 40 years. In some instances, it can even bring us back well into the 1700-1800s to find the true deed calls.
When a project becomes a legal dispute and goes to trial, we are well suited as "Expert Witness" to assist in defending the client and working closely with their legal counsel.
We are well versed in assisting clients in evaluating if a property is indeed within a designated FEMA Flood Zone along with working closely with local realtors and flood insurance agencies.
Municipal Representation
We are proficient in the area of municipal zoning matters and have extensive experience representing clients at these various meetings/commissions.